A Better Self

Finding the Silver Lining – 8 Questions to Ask Yourself

  Life has a funny way of sending us on this wild roller-coaster ride. Sometimes it feels like you’re on the one that wobbles a little too much; one with rusty tracks; sitting in a seat with a hole in it and a harness with a slight tear starting. Now, this doesn’t mean that all…… Continue reading Finding the Silver Lining – 8 Questions to Ask Yourself

A Better Self

How do I explain this feeling?

When you hear the word “anxiety”, what is the first thing that comes to mind? If someone tells you that they are “feeling anxious”, what does that mean to you? People tend to have a formulated idea of what this term means, and that idea tends to be somewhat off-base. Anxiety disorders are real, just…… Continue reading How do I explain this feeling?

A Better Self · Health

It’s Time to Talk – Mental Health

Recently, I was asked to contribute to The Essential Life. It is such an honor to have other individuals ask you to collaborate with them; especially when the goal is spreading knowledge and positivity! I am including a small excerpt and a link to the site. Please, let me know what you think! Day in…… Continue reading It’s Time to Talk – Mental Health

A Better Self

Finding Yourself

I’m not always a fan of change. Change brings uncertainties, stress, a need for tailoring of thoughts, actions, finely chiseled habits. But change is necessary in many instances – including a change in ourselves and our lifestyles. However, sometimes I wonder if it is really a change, or rather a matter of us finding ourselves.…… Continue reading Finding Yourself

Motherhood & Life

I’m Not a Superhero, and That is Okay

Some days I feel like Wonder Woman, and some days I resemble Eeyore. I have days where I feel like I can conquer the world, and days where I have to struggle to get out of bed. There are days when I feel like I have it all together, and times when I can’t imagine…… Continue reading I’m Not a Superhero, and That is Okay

A Better Self

Got Goals?

I heard someone mention that a big part of our stress level today has to do with the fact that we are a generation of progress. And with progress comes stress. Stress related to change and the uncertainty of the future. Most of us live in a society, or culture, where everything is at our…… Continue reading Got Goals?

A Better Self · Health

Mental Health Awareness

For those who did not know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. As a behavioral health nurse, I see how important this is. How we all need to take the time to pay attention, not only to our physical health, but our mental and emotional health as well. To educate ourselves and raise awareness. Not…… Continue reading Mental Health Awareness