
Water for Weight Loss

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”-Loren Eiseley

 Water is all around us. It is so necessary for our health, for our livelihood (heck, it makes up 60% of our body weight). Yet, we underrate it so dearly. We tend to neglect nourishing our body with this nutrient, although we are constantly reminded of its benefits. 

Also see: Just Stop it Already!

We are taught (although we don’t always listen) to not eat unless we are hungry. So, we may also practice this when it comes to fulfilling our body’s sense of thirst. The problem is, although thirst is a great indicator of your physical need for fluid, it usually is not always reliable. By the time you are feeling a “thirst” sensation, you are typically already mildly dehydrated. So, we are constantly running on a less-than-full tank when we practice this. Even if you do practice filling your tank before you run low, do you fill it with the right fuel?

Drinking water facilitates an innumerable amount of positive advantages. Water aids to prevent dehydration, promote kidney function, maintain mood and mental clarity, balancing of pH and body temperature, relieve fatigue and aches, act as a natural elixir for healthy skin and hair, and promotes weight loss

Well, how is that? How does water help you lose weight?

  • Water suppresses your appetite. 
  • It aids in digestion, prevents bloating. 
  • Flushes out the toxins in your body. 
  • Keeps organs functioning. Allows the kidneys to work properly and leaves the liver to focus on fat burning instead of picking up the kidney’s slack.
  • Helps prevent dehydration. 
  • Promotes calorie burning. 
  • Increases metabolism. 
  • Prevents constipation. 

Most of us are looking to lose weight. Hopefully, it is to help with promoting health and not just to reach a number on the scale (see Forget the Numbers). When we have issues seeing the scale drop or still see no extra room in our jeans, we start wondering why?  Many times, it’s simply because we are depriving our bodies of the one thing it needs most. Water. Instead, sugary drinks and food are notoriously used to suffice our thirst or hunger. When really, we need to be turning to water instead. 

How much water do I need to drink in one day? 

Well, we all know the golden rule of “8 glasses of water a day”, right? That has basically been drilled in us as the uniform guideline. Now, that is a good rule of thumb. Another way to calculate your necessary water intake each day is : weight ➗ 2 = # fluid ounces/day. For instance, if you weigh 150lb, you would need to drink 75 fluid ounces per day, or roughly 9.5 (8oz) cups. Easy enough. 

Although it is important to drink plenty, do not drastically overdo it. There have been times when people have decided to drink water in dangerously excess amounts. This can lead to water intoxication, causing life-threatening complications related to electrolyte imbalances. Also, those with conditions, such as CHF, need to be sure to monitor fluid intake and limit if necessary. If your physician has you on a fluid restriction, be sure to follow their guidelines. 

By now, I expect that you see the benefits of filling your tank with that necessary clean fuel, however there are still going to be some who claim they cannot do it for usually one of two reasons. 

  1. I don’t know how to measure how much I drink. 
  2. I hate water! I can’t drink that much!

So, if you are having trouble measuring your intake, I suggest obtaining some container that gives you measurements. Be it a thermos, a glass (think hospital cups with measurements), or otherwise. I like using my Hydroflask. It’s 40oz, so I like to shoot for 2 of those a day. That gives me a little more than my daily requirement. 

If you hate the taste of water, I understand. I did too, initially. Until you get used to it, infuse it with fresh fruits and such to give it a clean and crisp flavor. Some combinations even have added health benefits! 

Photo credit: Femniqe
Bottom line: proper intake of water is essential for proper functioning and survival of our body. It’s benefits are immense, including its ability to promote weight loss. So, drink a glass when you wake up, before your meals, and throughout the day. 

Have a great week!

Copyright © 2017 Shawna: Whole, Hearty, Happy – All rights reserved

25 thoughts on “Water for Weight Loss

  1. This was all such great information! Thank you for sharing it and motivating me to drink more water today.

    I know that water is good for kidneys. My nephrologist once told me to drink as much water as I used to drink when I took the medication Lithium. I have mild kidney damage. That was A LOT, because Lithium caused me to have polyuria/polydipsia (being extremely thirsty and having to pee a lot). I eventually went off Lithium (but still on bipolar meds) and then my thirst decreased significantly. I recall when I was on Lithium I drank so much water that I ate relatively little. Unlike some people on that medication I stayed at a good weight. I didn’t retain water, so I was OK.

    I eat too many starchy things. I would benefit from eating more fruits and veggies.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’m glad you found the post informative! Lithium is widely known for excessive thirst, and like many psych meds, weight gain. Sounds like your thirst overpowered and helped prevent the latter.
      Mentioning the starchy foods, I love them too. I swear our taste buds are naturally geared to be lustful towards them. I did a post on Carbs previously to help remind myself to keep my love for them in line and go for the less starchy ones.

      Carbs: The Good, The Bad, The Delicious

      Liked by 2 people

  2. A few days back…I told measure your water intake reason too much or too less of anything good thing can turn out to be bad. Today, I got the formula from your reading…which I am going to share who so ever has a question how much of H20.
    Weight in lb divided by 2 will give you the no of an ounce of water to drink.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m glad it helped give you some info to pass on! Thank you for reading! It is a formula that makes sense to me and is widely used. Not everyone needs 8 glasses and many need more. Then, their lifestyles can also alter their need. While 8 glasses is a good guideline for some, it isn’t for all.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I have to drink more water, however after my 4th glass I feel nausea and dizziness. It doesn’t matter if I add lemon or anything else. I talk to my Dr. and she wants me to try to drink more water. I’m trying very hard. Very nice info.

    Liked by 2 people

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